Former Community writer Megan Ganz calls out Dan Harmon for vague harassment apology

On New Year’s Eve, Community and Rick and Morty creator Dan Harmon tweeted, “This was truly the Year of the Asshole. Myself included. We don’t have to make 2018 the Year of the Mensch but I hope it can be the Year of the Not as Much of an Asshole. #RealisticGoals.” The admission, vague as it is, was not totally surprising: Harmon was a notoriously impetuous showrunner during Community’s heyday at NBC, and was fired from the show in 2012. A 2014 behind-the-scenes documentary about his podcast Harmontown often showed him berating his girlfriend and friends.

On Tuesday morning, comedy writer Megan Ganz — who worked on Community from 2010 to 2013 and now works on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia — quote-tweeted the admission and asked Harmon to explain.

Harmon responded several hours later and apologized to her in broad terms for abusive behavior when she worked on his show.

Though this is not the first confession of abuse to come out on Twitter in the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein revelations, it is so far unique in that Ganz both solicited the confession on Twitter and engaged with it there, declining Harmon’s apology and explaining why it wasn’t enough.

Harmon responded again, apologizing for “selfish, childish shit,” and implying that he has made some kind of effort to change his behavior since 2012. The conversation then splintered into two different threads, one about the “wall” he says he put up between himself in his co-workers after the incidents referred to by Ganz, and one about what — if anything — he should do publicly to make amends with her.

Ganz ended the conversation saying that she is “working towards” forgiving Harmon, which would be noble in any context, but is especially so given that Harmon had just inserted an incredibly stupid pun into an apology.

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