Nathan Fielder’s Emmys nomination pitch is a walk-through of hacking the Emmys

It’s Emmy nomination season, and Nathan For You star Nathan Fielder has released an important informational video: someone, but definitely not one of his fans, could hack the Emmys.

The winking video includes a real cybersecurity researcher, who walks Fielder through a phishing attack that could be used to grab credentials from online voters. While the theoretical scheme would require a determined criminal to compile a list of Emmys voters and get them to follow fraudulent email links, the video is a real reminder of how difficult it is to secure online voting. The challenges inherent in securing and verifying the results of those systems are major hurdles in preventing online elections from happening.

“As it currently stands, should anyone truly trust the Emmy results?” Fielder asks.

“As the Emmy voting system is an online voting system that can never be 100 percent secure, it is extremely unlikely that you can have 100 percent trust in the outcome of the vote,” the researcher responds.

Fielder suggests that the only way to make sure is to see Nathan For You get a nomination.

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